We, the Saarland Hydrogen Agency, support Saarland's citizens and businesses in recognizing the positive impacts of sustainable hydrogen technologies and its implementation into our economy. Our goal is to drive structural change in Saarland and thus create a future for all generations.
Our team advises on the economy and politics, while also connecting stakeholders, and offering support in funding applications, startups, settlements, and public relations. The focus of our work is the further development and implementation of the Saarland hydrogen strategy.
Hydrogen Saarland
The Saarland Hydrogen Agency introduces itself and presents Saarland as a hub for hydrogen.
Our Mission
Networking / Information
Be the central contact point for citizens, business, and public institutions in Saarland. Network with companies, provide information on hydrogen applications, funding opportunities and raise public awareness on hydrogens implementation.
Inform you about funding opportunities and assist with grant applications.
Comprehensive Needs Analysis
Determine hydrogen needs according to user requirements.
Hydrogen Provision
Support planned activities from conception to commissioning, such as the local production of hydrogen through electrolysis or alternative methods while handling imports (ammonia, LOHC, SynGas) and the pipeline network.
Our Team
Dr. Hübschen
Managing Director
Valentin Holzer
Managing Director
Nancy Cattarius
Dr. Michaela Ewen
Project Manager
Waldemar Witt
Project Manager
Dr. Bodo Groß
Project Manager
Andreas Walger
Project Manager
Network Partners
Become a partner too! Saarland likes to network.
Here in Saarland, the smallest chemical element, hydrogen, is becoming incredibly important. Using hydrogen, we are developing one of the key technologies that will allow us to decarbonize of our energy supply. It presents an opportunity for companies in Saarland to take their place in a sustainable economy.
The growing demand for electricity from renewable sources is already enormous.
Hydrogen will allow us to store and transport excess green energy.
Many companies in Saarland have recognized the opportunities in this emerging economic sector. By adjusting their product portfolios, they are positioning themselves as key suppliers in the development of the hydrogen value chain. This creates new jobs and helps retain existing ones.
Saarland is already an important location for research and development of hydrogen technologies. With a dense network of universities and research institutions, we ensure that our region stays at the forefront of technology.
The groundwork is already being laid out for hydrogen supply, with the planning of national and European infrastructure. However, many questions remain unsanswered. How much hydrogen will be needed? Which companies, municipal utilities, or other institutions are planning to use hydrogen? What is the potential for hydrogen use?
Companies are asking where the hydrogen will come from and what it will cost, as they need to base their decisions on these factors.
To ensure an optimized hydrogen supply, it is first crucial to have a solid data basis, determing where, in what quantities, and from when hydrogen can be used. Based on this information, strategies for supply can be developed.
Help us determine your needs!
Hydrogen Production
Electrolysis projects are underway in Dillingen, Perl, and Fenne. Through the pipeline network "mosaHYc," we also participate in projects in France. Futher projects are currently in the development stage.
The Grande Région Hydrogen connects producers and consumers on the German and French sides via "mosaHYc," laying the foundation for future integration into the European core network.
In Saarland, the steel industry is the largest single user, but there is also significant potential in small and medium-sized enterprises. Other possible uses include mobility, heating, and the energy sector.
Energy Storage
The significant increase in renewable energy production necessitates the ability to store surplus energy.
Hydrogen projects in Saarland
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